Clear the Clutter, Get Organised, and Renew Your Energy!

by Louise Crooks
clear the clutter, clear the mind!

clear the clutter, clear the mind!

Last night I had a wonderful guest on KtC Radio, Julie Morgenstern expert organiser, and time management guru!   We talked about what to do when we have an office full of paperwork, books, and an owner with a pack rat mentality!  She had some great tips on how to get organised including the 4 D’s!  She talked about how we try to organise ourselves according to rules that don’t necessarily fit us, and how important it is to understand how we can customise our organising style to really work for us!    She also talked about how to manage our schedules or to do lists without getting overwhelmed. So if you want great tools and tips listen to the podcast on the radio show with Julie Morgenstern.  All you have to do is click the button to KtC Radio on the left handside of the page! and you’re there! just press play.


And now I will start getting my office organised! 😉

Coach Louise

PS  And if you want to find out more about Julie, go to her website where you’ll get info on her courses, and the brilliant books she has written!    Make sure you listen to the podcast to get the special code,  if you decide you want purchase one of her courses!

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