Eliminate  the ‘one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake’ syndrome – in your biz.  (Let  me tell you how…)

by Louise Crooks

Everyone experiences this, much of the time when it comes to how we move forward (or don’t) in our businesses.

Have you noticed how you want to create something or make something happen, and there is this inner opposing force wanting to do the opposite, create resistance and procrastinate?

opposing forces

It’s almost like having two people in one driving seat – one with the foot on the gas and the other with their foot on the brake.

Do you ever feel like that?

I’d like to say that if you’re conscious of it, you’re more aware and have more choice around your behavior, but the truth is that when you have this awareness of this duality existing inside of you , it can feel more frustrating – because you know that YOU are the one getting in the way.  No one else.

And yes, it helps to have resources and how-to’s but ultimately, it boils down to whether you can actually step up and take the necessary action to move yourself forward. Booyah!!

An example of this, is the knowledge that we need to pick up the phone and connect with potential clients.  You wouldn’t believe how many people procrastinate in doing this.  Their other self, will think up any reason NOT to do it – including all the amazing other things you could be doing in your business.  Anything but that.

And yet the other side of you knows that it’s imperative to the survival of your business… but no, anything but that.

This duality can relate to many things.  The desire to have a successful business and speak to 1000’s of people, vs the ‘I’m not worthy’, ‘I’m not good enough’ ‘I’ll screw it up’ beliefs that get in the way of actually doing it and keeping yourself small and hidden.

Or  the duality of  ‘I want to help as many people as possible- it’s my soul’s calling and I know I must share my gift with the world’ vs  ‘I don’t want to ‘brag’ about my abilities so I can’t write or talk about what I’ve accomplished’ (even though sharing these stories will allow people to see what’s possible for them when working with you).

Or a duality of ‘I want to tell the world about my story – it’s very personal and makes me vulnerable, but I know people can really benefit and grow from it if I do’  vs  ‘My story /experience makes me feel very vulnerable and so I hold myself back from speaking up and owning it – I see everything as a judgment of my experience’.

Yes, in ALL these instances (each one of them true instances) the healer or coach has had this inner battle going on inside.


So what do you do about it?

Certainly creating an awareness first, creates consciousness when these thoughts and patterns of behavior take over.

When you’re aware, rather than feeling frustrated, ask yourself what would support you best to help you back to the helm of this ship.

There are so many ways to get support around this.

These are deep inner beliefs that are creating patterns of protective behavior that aren’t supportive to you – anymore.  They might have been when you were younger and when you felt the need to protect yourself in some way.  But now they are just getting in the way.

Getting to the root of the belief is key.

And then replacing that belief with a more empowering belief.

Before you seek outside help – remind yourself of a time when doing the very thing you are resisting actually worked out rather well.  Take yourself back into that moment when all was well, it felt good, and in fact you were proud that you’d stepped up and did it.   What is the energy that you’re feeling now.  Step into that as you now focus on that ‘thing’ that you were resisting.

Another way to support yourself, is to ask yourself two questions about the thing you’re resisting…

1)      What’s the worst thing that could happen if I did it?

2)      What possibilities or opportunities are available to me if I did it?

When you imagine what’s possible, visualize it, feel it, as if it already is.  The Universe can’t tell the difference as time is an illusion  – so it is already done.  And the emotion of that will carry you forward.

And if you can’t shift it on your own, modalities like EFT, hypnosis and Journey work can really help get to the root of the issue and shift it.

When you notice and take action – that’s when you’re find yourself free from the tyranny and obstacles created by the sentry of your mind.

I’m not saying it’s an easy journey, but it will definitely help.

The harsh reality is that if we don’t overcome some of these things we resist in our business  – it’s clear that there will be no business to run in the very near future.  And then you’re back to a J.O.B. where you have to do what the boss tells you even if you hate it. You’re back to square one except this time you’re doing what you resist for someone else, instead of yourself!

It behooves you to overcome the duality you face, whatever it looks like for YOU, your clients and for the world.    Ready to take that step?

I’d love to hear your comments below!

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