KtC Radio: Niche Marketing: What? Why? and Why Me?

by Louise Crooks

Join me Monday 7pm EST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity-coach

What makes you different from your peers in business?

What makes you different from your peers in business?

Here is an opportunity to explore the benefits and value of a potential niche – or not? I invite your interaction in the discussion of this topic, as there is divided opinion out there. See if a ‘niche’ is the right path for you, and how to find it! This subject is appropriate for any soul-o-preneur including coaches, healing practitioners etc

I look forward to chatting with you! Call in on (347) 945-6963 if you would just like to listen and are not near a computer, and to participate – make sure you press 1 if you want to join the discussion or ask a question. Connect to the show on online and in the chatroom by going to http://www.blogtalkradio.com/KeystoClarity-coach

Coach Louise

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