What Makes an Opt-In Gift a Lemon?

by Louise Crooks

You probably suspect it is, if you’re doing a great job of massive visibility, great marketing, and inviting folks back to your website to sign up and they don’t take that crucial step! The step to sign up to receive your gift and get their free and valuable download or email sequence from you.

This free opt-in gift, might also be called a freemium, or freebie.

That’s a bit crushing if you ask me. All that work connecting and then it all falls away.

There are some simple things you can check right away to see if your gift on your home page is really nothing but a lemon. (sorry I know it’s painful, but sometimes we have to RIP off the bandaid, to move forward) {{{hugs}}}

rip off the bandaid
Here they are:
• First of all check your stats, and see if people are actually landing on your homepage, or the squeeze page you’ve created specifically for an opt-in gift. We want to at least make sure that this part is working. Hopefully you’re using some analytics tool to track this. If not, it’s time! If you’re not tracking whether something is working or not, you won’t know to change it.

• Now you’ve established that they are coming, but not taking the next step… Do you have an image to go with your gift? An image really catches the eyes, and it can also indicate in what format they will receive the gift in. Example: an image on a CD At least find an image or have one created that reflects the gift you’re sharing.

• Check the title of your gift. Is it boring? Is it catchy? Ask a few friends and colleagues to give their honest opinion as to whether your title floats their boat, and get their feedback without taking it personally.

• Does the title indicate that you’re going to solve a particular problem or address a specific desire they have? You really want it to do that.

I hope this got you thinking.

If you haven’t got all of these covered, it’s possible that your opt-in gift is just not doing it’s job. And if you haven’t gotten started on creating an opt-in gift, you really want to make sure you take this check list into consideration to guide you to a creating a JUICY gift – one folks won’t hesitate to opt-in for. (that means giving you their email and name)

There are a couple more points to this checklist, which I’ll be covering in my upcoming FREE TRAINING: Creatinging Your Juicy Opt-in Gift ~ The Gateway to Building Your Community and Many More Clients and Sales.

I’ll be revealing more pitfalls you want to avoid, and giving you some great tips on how to get started. Whether you’re thinking of doing a free e-book, or a free assessment – we’ll also discuss which kinds of gifts are the most juicy, and most likely to be consumed by your potential client (very important!). I’m even going to give you a valuable gift on how to get an awesome title going (this is crucial), and examples of gifts that rock. Just make sure to sign up.

Remember if these pieces aren’t working, you’re not going to make the impact on people as you had hoped. Let’s get it right, be prosperous AND make a difference!

On this call I’ll also be introducing The Business Springboard. It’s a way for you to get your opt-in gift done, quickly, easily and professionally with me. And as a bonus to this experience of creating your gift,  it will also give you massive visibility along the way!  Check it out.

I’ll ‘see’ you on the call. Bring pen and paper – you’ll want to take lots of notes!

If this has struck a chord for you, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please post below.

If you’d like to use this article in your blog I’d be delighted. Please make sure you include this at the bottom of the article with a live backlink to my website:
Louise Crooks, The KeystoClarity! Coach, business coach and mentor to health coaches, and holistic practitioners, wrote this article. Copyright 2013 KeystoClarity LLC  If you’d like to learn more, go to www.keystoclarity.com where she has lots more great information waiting for you.

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