Money Triggers – the Good Kind!

by Louise Crooks

Visibility and marketing in your business are necessary activities you want to make sure you’re doing to be seen, spread your message and build your email list. They also help you fill programs and sell products right? However doing them strategically is what counts! And as we march into the final part of 2013 let’s give ourselves the best chance to have a smashing finish! What do you say?

Planning what you’re doing in your business is really helpful. I know you know that already. If you’re not practicing this, then it’s time! It will make a huge difference. Haphazard activities really just bring inconsistent results. Reality is that if you plan what you’re doing in your business, you’ll have much more control around the flow of income into your business. It’s possible that this might be up and down for you, as it has been for me in the past. So let’s do away with all the stress that that brings!

Let’s look at the remainder of the year, seeing as this is where we are. Of course you can apply this at anytime in your calendar.

So what is a Money Trigger? It’s a time in your business when you’re doing something that specifically brings in income over a designated period of time. For example if you’re going to run a program and launch around a specific time frame eg: 15th to the 30th of September, then during that time is when you’ll see income coming into your business.


Think about other money triggers you might have in your business. It could be a fire-sale where you sell all your products and programs at a discounted price over a period of a few days. Or when you promote a product.
You might even be able to predict how much income you might generate during each of those promotions. It helps to set a goal each time, so you know what you’re shooting for. And experience will also teach you what is possible each time.

Make a list of all the things you do in your business to generate income. Specific things that are Money Triggers.
Now you’re ready to look at your calendar for the last few months of the year. Get a nice blank schedule. Print one out if you need to. Decide which Money Triggers you want to use and when. You’ll start to see where income could flow into your business and how you can create that proactively and with thought. And once you’ve done that, you can start working on the activities and marketing that need to take place to support them.

If you’re doing this intentionally for the first time, just be careful not to overwhelm yourself with too many Money Trigger goals. The key is to have a few and see how you go. Do a few and do them well.

Intentionality plays a huge part in having effective results. When you get clear you’ll see that the vibration and the focus helps the universe align itself with your desires. And when you have a path in front of you that’s clear, it becomes much easier when you know what you need to do. Don’t deviate from the plan (unless something needs reviewing or changing) and don’t get distracted by other ‘opportunities’, as it will pull you from the path of doing to support your end goals. Those shiny bright objects can really get in the way.

I’d love to hear what your Money Triggers are, when you PLAN to bring income into your business. Or your thoughts about this topic. Comment below.

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