When Life Throws Curve Balls at You
It really sucks when you get hit by curve balls, whether it’s technology that disrupts your website, or your loved one gets taken ill.
The question is what do you do when it happens?
How do you handle it?
Yesterday my mother-in-law passed away, after battling with ovarian cancer for 6 years. We are all tremendously sad, but we were glad to have flown to Denver on Sunday, and had the chance to say our goodbyes and spend time with her.
She ended her journey fairly abruptly and even though we knew it was on the horizon, we didn’t expect it to happen so quickly. We’re however, extremely thankful that her suffering has come to an end and wasn’t drawn out at the end. And we’re glad we can be here as a family to support and comfort one another.
We had to drop everything to be here.
I had just had a planning meeting with my VA Amber, to talk about upcoming projects. We had dates planned out for an upcoming webinar and program, but we knew the timing was tight already with memorial day coming up and my traveling.
My dear hubby Clive, had just taken on a few new clients, and has a work load that is difficult to push aside.
In these types of situations…
- How do you honor what you’ve got on the go, at the same time?
- What if you’re dependent on the income those things provide?
- What if you’re possibly going to lose a client, because their needs are immediate?
- What if your promotion campaign goes sideways because your website is down for 5 days, and no-one can sign up for your webinar? (I’ve had this happen!)
- Or you pass out just as you’re about to start a 3 day event you’re hosting? (yes this happened to a friend/colleague of mine, and she had to cancel it)
And believe me – this type of thing happens to everyone at some time or another. So it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of WHEN.
I can only share what I’m experiencing right now, to give you insight into how I’m handling it. You might be able to think of a different way, that serves you best. (I’d certainly love to hear your thoughts in the comments.)
In regard to upcoming my webinar campaign and program….
It makes sense to shift the dates to a time that’s better suited. If it’s still not going to work with time constraints, it might be beneficial to move this whole project to a later time of the year. And maybe do something completely different in it’s place.
I’m not being attached to this.
There is no point getting worked up and emotional about it. It is what it is. I’ve got enough emotion going on because of our loss.
I also recognize that my mind is not capable right now of giving my project the attention it deserves, and I don’t want to do a half-hearted job. What does help though is having a team who have my back and can do lots of work behind the scenes for me.
I’m not going to judge myself or the situation.
I’m still holding the intention of what I want you to get from the webinar and program, how my business will grow, the income it will produce, how it’s going to make a big difference in people’s lives…. And I’m confident the Universe will orchestrate that outcome for me – even if it’s in another way.
So I’m not clear on the ‘how’ yet, but I am clear on the outcome I want.
Notice how your reaction to your situation creates emotion within you – even though the circumstances have not been ‘done to you’. Shift that thinking by recognizing that this situation is out of your control.
So what can you control?
Right now I’m giving myself the space to grieve with my family. And I’m going to do what I can to decide what comes next with my webinar and program. I’m not sure what that looks like yet – but I know I’ll have a plan shortly.
Just even having a plan feels helpful, – like a burden has been shifted. Wouldn’t you agree?
And I’ll get my team to support me with that plan, so I’m not handling this alone. I’ll also ask them to pick up some of the things I can’t do at the moment, or change client appointments if needed.
Do you have someone who can help you pick up the slack?
Just some thoughts… and just writing this is giving me a chance to reflect on what’s possible for me in this moment. I hope it’s given you some food for thought too, so you can plan for these eventualities we all end up facing at one time or another.
Hug your loved ones a little closer today – you never know how much time you have with them.
Sending love to you and yours.
P.S. I’d love your thoughts and comments and loving support at this time – so please post in the comments below.
P.P.S. Clive and I had literally been to Denver 2 weeks ago, to spend time with Mum – and she’d had a great week hanging out with us and doing things together. We’re so blessed to have had that special time so near to her time of transition.