Don’t be a List-Building Greenie!

by Louise Crooks
‘What do you mean?’, you might be saying!  Greenie!?

If you:

  • are serious about growing your business and creating a tribe of followers who
    will buy from you every time you make your program offers
  • have already created an online group program, and struggled to fill it
  • have hosted a teleseminar and had just a handful of people register or show up

I understand that gut-wrenchingly disheartening feeling you experienced.

You’re not alone! I’ve been there, and MANY others have too. Yep! I was greenie too! :)

It’s ok to be a greenie! We all have to start somewhere, but let’s not wait!

I have a confession…

I waited 2 whole years, before I started my list. (I’ll tell you more about this later!)

And here’s another thing..

Even though you are building a personal relationship with the folks who are on your email list, only a small percentage will sign up for the offers you make. The bigger the tribe of followers you have, the more impact you’ll have on your bottom line. It doesn’t mean they are not excited to hear from you! It just means that they are not ready to buy from you YET.

I want to lift the veil on all the list-building basics to support you in kick-starting your list, whether you’re starting from zero, or have a few hundred followers already.  I’ll reveal more about what the frick this all means on my upcoming call!

We’ll turn that green into a natural human shade again pronto! 😉

Join me on my completely new training: List-building for Beginners ~ 5 Simple Steps to a Pipeline of your First 1000 Avid Fans!

I can’t wait to share all the juicy info to help you have a strong start on the road to more income in your business, and the possibility of making more of a difference beyond working with clients 1 on 1!

Join us!

Louise x

P.S. I’ll share my mistakes, and tell you why it took me 2 years to start my list!

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