‘Creating Your Niche’ Training Bundle For Healers and Coaches

by Louise Crooks

It’s a common challenge for coaches and healing professionals starting out or for those who have been in business for a while, to not see the success they had hoped for. This challenge often culminates in not knowing how to attract clients and where to find them, and a whole lot of frustration that things aren’t going the way they had envisioned.

Often all it takes to make a gargantuan shift in your business … is to clarify your own NICHE.


With the opportunity to dive into a content rich, in-depth training experience giving you a BIG dose of clarity around your niche, this is possible for you!

Creating your Niche – The Pivotal Key to Visibility Success and Many more Clients!


Here are some of the symptoms you might be experiencing:

Confusion – there is often a lack of clarity about where to look or how to find clients.
Frustration – about not being more successful, thinking you should be further ahead than you are.
Beating yourself up – thinking you should know what you need to do and get it done!
Difficulty communicating clearly with potential clients –– trying to communicate with a potential client feels like wading through mud, falling over your words, or recognizing that this person is just not getting it, no matter how hard you try.

Trouble creating emails or newsletters to promote your ideas – finding it hard to know what to say and not getting much of a reaction from anyone, let alone more clients. (There is a good reason why this happens!)

Lack of clarity – you’re not even clear on what results you’re offering your client. You know your coaching or healing service is amazing, but knowing what you provide to solve their problems is unclear. (When you get clear on this, the path before you suddenly becomes illuminated!)
Poor results – no matter how hard you try, you just find clients coming in dribs and drabs. And sometimes keeping them beyond a few sessions can feel challenging.
Overwhelm – You’re trying so hard, looking for that magic bullet that will be the shift you need to make an income. Often it becomes the ‘bright, shiny object syndrome’ – almost a form of modern day ADD – where you’re frightened you might miss out on that one thing that will make a difference.
Resistance – possibly having heard of creating a niche, but feeling resistant because you just want to serve as many people as you can, and don’t want to feel like you’re excluding anyone. (There is a catch to this way of thinking, and the truth is – it rarely works)
Lost in the Crowd – knowing you’re one of many in your profession and not knowing how to stand out!


This list could go on… You intuitively know what’s going on here for you. You already have an insight into the blocks and craziness these feelings are creating for you, and the results they are having in your business. Yes?

I know. I’ve been there and bought the proverbial T-shirt!


So are you ready for a big dose of CLARITY!?


This special BUNDLE I’ve created includes 3 essential learning elements to help you on the road to success!

You’ll get:

An in-depth audio training called Creating your Niche
– A mini video tip series called 3 Niching Snafus to Avoid
A special 30 minute Niche Breakthrough Strategy Session with Louise (this alone is worth $150!)



To stand out from the crowd of your peer practitioners, and become the go-to person for your clients.
To create some ease in your life – just to know that this actually doesn’t have to be soooo difficult?
To serve people you’re passionate about and not feel like you’re compromising or missing out?
For MORE INCOME and less struggle? (yes, sleeping at night knowing you can pay those bills, or even take a vacation!).
To own your value and become MORE VISIBLE? Yep, knowing exactly how and where to find your clients!
To make more of a difference?

 I know you are. I can feel it. This is powerful stuff, so powerful that I felt compelled to put this special training package together, so you get what you need to move beyond this big block, and create some flow in your business.

Often all it takes to make a gargantuan shift in your business….

Is to clarify your own NICHE.

When they land on their niche, a common phrase I hear from my clients, is ‘I feel like I’ve come home’ or ‘all the puzzle pieces suddenly fit together’. Music to my ears. Your potential clients will know without a doubt that they want to work with you. They’ll have real certainty about the results they can expect. Your energy will be aligned. You’ll be speaking the same language! And you’ll be able to create clear and focused strategies to reach out to them with ease. And you might even be EXCITED about doing this, especially when you feel so connected to these people you’re serving.

This training bundle is a rich experience to clarify YOUR niche. No tasting here. This information really is priceless and could make a HUGE difference in your business. It actually effects everything you do in your business going forward.

I’m making it easy for you
to say a BIG yes to this opportunity and to the possibilities of great business growth.

Get Your Bundle Now for $149.

Remember! Knowing how to stand out, create that focus for yourself in your marketing, and connect with your ideal clients is ‘priceless’ in regard to your business growth and the difference you can make – to your own life AND to lives of your potential clients.

To your shining and inspired success,



Julie Pierce“Working with Louise is a dream”

“Being clear on my niche means I know who my ideal client is. I know who I am reaching out to. I am clear about what my message needs to be and how to serve my ideal client most appropriately. This clarity and knowledge is freeing and it propels me forward with inspired action.

Having this clarity is creating a focus for each of my visibility strategies and informing each of my business decisions. The actions I am taking based on the clarity of my niche will naturally produce the success I am after on a shorter learning curve because I know who I’m focusing on and where to find them. Also, when I talk or write about or create messaging for my ideal clients and the services I offer, I feel confident and clear about what I want to say and offer.

Working with Louise is a dream. Her pointed (yet gentle) way of asking questions to lead to crystallized points of clarity is just what the doctor ordered.”

Julie Pierce of www.wholevisioncoaching
Coach to High Powered Women on the Journey to Creating a Family in the Untraditional Way


Suzanne Jobling“It was a relief to have Louise help me get clear…”

“Being clear about my niche puts a framework around my practice. It allows me to attract the clients I want to coach and validates that I am a valuable resource in their lives.

Now that I have identified my niche I am more focused and able to design my marketing to support that niche. I’m excited about connecting and coaching my niche clients. It was a relief to have Louise help me get clear, I feel more grounded and supported.”

Suzanne Jobling of www.creativeresourcefulwhole.com
Coach to Executive Women Who Have Lost Their Way, Wanting to Lead Authentic Lives


Rose Muenker“Louise’s masterful process helped me take the courageous steps…”

“Even though I understood the benefits of identifying my niche, I resisted doing it for a long time. Louise’s masterful process helped me take the courageous steps of saying “Yes!” to my core expertise—writing–and of fine-tuning who my ideal clients truly are.

I’m delighted by the feeling of lightness this has given me! And I’m eager to see all that happens when I fully align my services with my core talents and passion!”

Rose Muenker of www.GetGreatResults.com
Writing Coach for Those with An Important Message


Nini Rezai“Louise is extremely intuitive and can sense what’s needed…”

“Louise helped me get really clear on my niche. This clarity gave me so much freedom because prior to this, I was feeling restless, thinking that I should be approachable to everyone and should be able to coach anyone. I had been confused and unfocused.

Now that I’m clear – I’ll be creating group coaching and workshops for women in the context of my niche. It has become much easier to have an action plan. Louise is extremely intuitive and can sense what’s needed, creating clarity and a sense of peace as to where I’m headed next.”

Nini Rezai of www.divorcetodelight.com
Coach to Women Recovering from Divorce, Wanting to Experience Joy, Peace and Love Again