Isolation as a Small Business Owner:Tips to get some relief!
As most of you know, I am life and small business coach! I work from my home office, and can easily ferret myself away in there all day not coming up for breath or company! As I love what I do, the hours can easily slip away, and before I know it, I can go 3 days without leaving the house. (a lot of my clients get coached by phone across the country and world) And then I realise that I have been so busy that I haven’t spent any time with the people who are important in my life – husband, my friends… and my community! The people who I want to be in touch with and get to know, my potential clients! Make sure this is not happening to you!
Tip #1
Take the time to schedule in some time out for yourself during the day. Even if you are flat out busy! Give yourself the opportunity to nurture yourself and recharge your batteries so that you are energised and productive for the rest of the day. Believe me you will be a lot more effective and feel a lot better.
Tip #2
Make at least 5 appointments a week to get you out of your home office or business. 1 to have lunch with a friend, 1 to have lunch or coffee with a business associate or peer in your industry, and then if possible see 3 potential clients a week. Take a brown bag lunch, coffee, or even a walk (wonderful if you’re a coach) with your prospective client. This will also help you to set up your schedule around how many calls you will need to make during the week to make this happen!
Tip #3
Think about joining a networking group. This will give you the opportunity to meet people! And they could become potential clients and customers. The alternative is to join a group in the niche you work in. I belong to a Holistic Healing Alliance which has all sorts of holistic practitioners and coaches as members. A lot of them are clients or potential clients, as well as the possibility of my becoming theirs. We are also focussed on the prosperity and success of each other’s businesses, so we get to know each other, which results in referrals. It works wonderfully.
These methods will get you out there, interacting and growing your business continually at the same time. Its also important to make that you are taking care of yourself, so taking time out of your schedule to do something just for you, will keep you mindful of whats most important.
everything in balance,
Coach Louise
PS If you would like more tips and tools, listen to my radio show which has live broadcasts, and podcasts of previous segments. Happy listening!
[…] unknown wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerpt[caption id=”attachment_162″ align=”alignright” width=”120″ caption=”Planning my time…”][/caption] As most of you know, I am life and small business coach! I work from my home office, and can easily ferret myself away in there all day not coming up for breath or company! As I love what I do, the hours can easily slip away, and before I know it, I can go 3 days without leaving the house. (a lot of my clients get coached by phone across the country and world) And then I realise that I have been so busy that I haven’t spent any time with the people who are important in my life – husband, my friends… and my community! The people who I want to be in touch with and get to know, my potential clients! Make sure this is not happening to you! Tip #1 Take the time to schedule in some time out for yourself during the […] […]