KtC Radio: Crazy BUSY in your business but not achieving a whole lot?
Visit me on my radio show www.blogtalkradio.com/keystoclarity-coach on Monday 7pm EST
I’ll be discussing how to start getting a clear action plan in place! Join me with your questions and comments! Go to the link above for more juicy details!
Purposefully yours,
Coach Louise Crooks
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[…] keystoclaritycoach wrote an interesting post today onKtC Radio: bCrazy/b BUSY in your business but not achieving a whole lot?Here’s a quick excerptVisit me on my radio show http://www.blogtalkradio.com/keystoclarity-coach on Monday 7pm EST. Join me! Join me! I’ll be discussing how to start getting a clear action plan in place! Join me with your questions and comments! b…/b […]
thans for the tip