List-Building for Beginners:
5 Simple Steps to a Pipeline
of your first 1000 Avid Fans
On this call we’ll step into a journey of discovery for coaches, healers, authors- those in the field of transformation and healing - where the secrets of building a community of your ideal clients are revealed. And where you get to start building (or continue building) an email list of pre-qualified people who are excited to hear more from you, and who you are thrilled at the prospect of working with!
Are you tired of trying to fill your teleseminars when maybe only 5 people sign up or show up, because you only have a teeny-tiny email list or a community that only knows you in person?
You have great content to share, and group programs to fill, but no-one to fill them with?
Are you frustrated with trying to build a community one person at a time.
Are you ready to sell your programs and products but right now it’s piecemeal at best?
You’d like to have a reach outside of your local community, with even a national or global reach because you have big message to share?
Ultimately, it would be nice to have a full practice of clients you’re not struggling fill?
And really, an income you feel excited about, would be a real boost?
You might be hearing ‘build your list’, ‘build your list’…and have no idea why this is so important! Or you’re clued into how important it is, but are not sure why…
Your email list is your community of avid fans who are going to become your clients and fill your programs over and over again! Without this list, there is no-one to share your offers with, no one to say yes to what you’re doing, and no-one to buy from you.
The bigger the pool of followers, the more likely you are to build your income, AND to make a difference! It’s an opportunity to build your practice exponentially beyond one on one work, and have a much bigger reach for your message. Imagine the possibilities!
Whether you’re just starting out or have a few hundred on your email list, it’s all perfect. We all have to start somewhere, right?! I did and you can too.
In fact, I got stuck on my path to building my list, with trying to do too much too quickly, and delayed my list-building by 2 years! Just imagine what impact that had on my business! Don’t let that happen to you. I’ll share more about this BIG mistake, on the upcoming call!
Woohoo!! I can’t wait to share lots of gems with you on this call that you can take away and start to implement immediately!
This call is for you if you’re ready to find out:
What list-building basics you need in place to get started, and what it all means.
Methods used to attract your tribe into one place so you can continue to communicate and build a relationship with them. (and it’s all possible by being authentic and in integrity!)
What list-building and dating have in common, determining whether potential clients will buy from you and whether you get to serve more people. (this is kinda funny!)
I’ll share the Cohesive Visibility Wheel , connecting all the dots so all your list-building strategies work together, without reinventing ‘the wheel’ and burning yourself out!
How use Social Media effectively as way building your online community powerfully. (and specific to your ideal clients!)
What working with Joint Venture Partners or Affiliate Partners means and how they help take the load off you! (This one is HUGE!)
The secret ingredient that makes your list eager to hear what you have to offer. (Very yummy!)
What mistakes to avoid on the journey of building your email list. (Yes, I’ve made quite a few and want you to learn from my mine!)
How I built my list from 500 to 5000 in less than 2 years! (if I can, you can!)
How you can continue to create a path determining what Visibility methods and strategies you want to focus in on, to build your email list quickly.
Remember at all times that your email list consists of a group of living breathing human beings who are looking to you for your expertise, guidance, support and offerings. You get to be seen as a leader, and someone who deeply cares about their wellbeing in whatever coaching or healing modality you specialize in.
Remember you have a gift to share, and by sharing it with a MUCH LARGER community you’re able to share it exponentially and make more of difference!
I look forward to having you on this dynamic call, where I get to do my best work with you!
You’ll get some awesome information you can implement straight away as I won’t be holding back, so get ready with a pen, paper, and a cuppa tea…!
To your inspired and shining success!
Louise x
PS: I can’t wait to reveal the secrets of list-building to you! So you become feel financially secure in your soul-opreneur business, and make a difference in the lives of others. It’s why we’re here in the first place isn’t it, to be in service!?
Louise Crooks, The KeystoClarity Coach, coaches soul-driven business owners to create a solid business foundation, become visible with authenticity and ease, and create conscious business success.