Are you creating your business, the way YOU want it?

by Louise Crooks

There are many business models out there that fit your coaching or healing practice, and it’s important to know which one is the right fit for you!

If we’re not paying attention it’s possible to start emulating someone you admire and do what they do, and while it works extremely well for them, you find it fails miserably for you.


The key is to make sure that you’re designing your business to work for you, but to also take into account  the lifestyle you want to create AND also your learning styles – the way you LIKE to work – and those of your clients.

From a lifestyle perspective – think about the kind of life you want!   If  you’re a mom, and you like to be there for your kids, work a schedule that works for you as a family – and allows you to create a business that is essentially part-time. (and it doesn’t necessarily mean that your income is ‘part-time’!)

I love to have free time to be with friends, relax and enjoy my hobbies and environment (walk on the beach etc) and also to travel.  That means I like to be able to work around my travels, as well as design a business which allows me to work while I’m travelling.  I want LOTS of flexibility.  I don’t have kids, but I have LOTS of friends and family all over the world, which comes from having lived in a few different places!   Think carefully about what you want your life to look like so you can design your business around it, and not let your business dictate your schedule.

From a learning style perspective, we all have a propensity to love doing certain aspects in our businesses, and resist others.  (pros and cons here!)   One of the pros here is that you can leverage the things you love to do, so you’re creating visibility and marketing yourself in a way that resonates with you. So many folks are doing so much – all the strategies to get themselves out there and these are often  the ones they’re being told they ‘should’ be doing.  It’s an easy trap to fall into!

For example, you’ve probably heard that video is the hottest thing since sliced bread in marketing, and if you’re not doing it, your business will suffer.  Here’s the thing…  Not everyone is cut out to do video!  You might not feel comfortable in front of a camera.  You might not be up to figuring out the technology or the seo that goes along with making this strategy work for you.

It’s possible you might LOVE writing.  But because you’re doing something that you don’t like, chances are not much is happening at all!   What if you decided to do strategies in your business which included what you love to do, and that writing was a huge component?  Perhaps blogging, article marketing, email marketing etc.  If you were doing what you loved in your marketing would you feel really different about it?

The other big problem is that folks get caught up in doing way too many strategies when they’re looking for clients.   The results tend to be very poor, and the poor business owner starts to feel unconfident and burnt out because they’re doing the ‘running in the hamster wheel’ all too well.


What if you were to pick just a couple of strategies, focus on just those and do them really well?  Wouldn’t that a big relief, and feel like you’re simplifying things.  You will start to see results this way.

Finally making sure you’re in alignment with your marketing language when reaching out or creating visibility, is key to you also following through your chosen strategy.

When you feel GOOD about how you’re connecting ie:  not feeling the ‘ick’ of using inauthentic tactics,  you’ll have way more success, feel much better about actually doing the connecting, and be more likely to take those steps to market yourself than keep feeling that resistance coming up that I know many of us do.

You truly can have a business that suits you! 

When you do, you’ll see the rewards.  Your energy affects the outcome of your success.  When you feel good, your business will become the magnet for the clients you want to attract.   Start to look at all these aspects I’ve mentioned here, and see if you have them all lined up to have the business and lifestyle of your dreams.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below.  :)

On June 4th I’ll be hosting a webinar called: 3 Massive Visibility Mistakes Coaches, Healers and Authors UNKNOWINGLY make, that keep them Frustrated, Stuck and Struggling to Build a Pipeline of Eager Clients.

If you’d like to learn more about authentic visibility strategies, what to do and what not to, and how you can go about finding and reaching out to your ideal clients, come and join us.  Get your call in details by clicking link above.

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