Having a Niche or Business Focus does NOT Mean This…
I’ve noticed recently that folks are getting confused with niching terminology. We all know we want have focus in our business, and create a niche for ourselves. Well, if you don’t – then if you want traction in your business, all the clients you want and massive visibility if time to give it some thought.
But what does it really mean?
Your niche not only defines who you work with and what you do for them – but it sets you apart from all of the …… out there. You fill in the blank.
I want to share some examples that might demonstrate this for you in a clearer way.
A nutritionist / health coach recently said to me her niche is to have products, programs and partner with companies who have what she does missing in their business. Perfect. EXCEPT the word niche is being confused with the business model she is using. What she is talking about there is actually a business model of how she plans to connect and sell in her business.
Her niche is actually the audience of people she is serving. So it could be that she decides to specialize in working with eating plans for autistic children, and at the same time be helping the parents of autistic children, create a life of balance and self-care.
Another conversation I had was also with a nutritionist who said that her focus /niche was delving more into the ayurveda and had become a clinical aromatherapist and was bringing all those pieces together. Perfect. I love it when folks see the synergy in things they are doing and how they can give way more to their clients.
From a visibility and marketing perspective this is actually not her niche but more her methodology. How she delivers healing to her clients. If she were to clarify her niche – again looking at her audience – it might be that she specializes in people dealing with the cancer and the effects of chemo on the body during and after.
Focus can mean many things, but in this case she meant her niche. When you talk about having a focus in your business – it helps to be specific. A focus for your marketing, a focus for your speciality /niche, a focus for your business model, a focus for your methodology etc.
What is most important is not to get stuck the just focusing on the methodology and talking about that. When you get clear on your niche, you’re focusing on the group of people you can and would most like to serve and helping solve a problem for them. It doesn’t mean you can’t work with other people who approach you and feel in alignment with what you’re doing. But from a perspective of being seeing as that go-to-person and having compelling copy on your website, articles etc – you want to establish your expertise, and the niche that you serve.
I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments or questions. It’s tough to figure this out on your own – I get it! Just hit reply or comment below.