18 Ways Visibility impacts YOU

by Louise Crooks
Visibility 3

The word visibility is used a lot now when we are thinking about finding our clients and marketing our businesses.

A quick aside: It’s hard to believe that someone a few years ago wanted me to retract my use of the word ‘visibility’ because it was ‘her’ word, and I was copyingher! LOL – seems laughable now right?

The truth is that the word Visibility is now on everybody’s lips, AND it encompasses the word ‘marketing’ and MUCH more.

Visibility means:

– Putting yourself out there
– Coming out from hiding
– Expanding your reach
– Building your social media community
– Building your email list
– Building a platform
– Standing up and being counted
– Taking a stand for what you believe in
– Speaking to people – one or more
– Exposure – in person and on-line
– Being seen
– Standing in the spotlight
– Sharing your message
– Being seen as an expert in your niche
– Being seen as the ‘go-to’ person
– Exposure
– Building credibility

Being seen through multiple touches on multiple platforms

And so much more.  I could go on with this list, and I’m sure you have a few to add.  If you do, I’d love to hear what you’ve come up with, by commenting on this post below.

I realized a good while ago that through my work with you, I was finding my ‘voice’, which had been lost in my teenage years and well into my twenties.    Visibility is so much more than just putting yourself out there and being seen.   We have to deal with that inner voice too!  There are blocks and obstacles and beliefs that come up big time when we start to explore the world of visibility – have you noticed?
I’ve been working on mine and thankfully have overcome many of them.  It’s why I have a radio show (two actually, am a roving journalist for Published Magazine, help people with utilizing Facebook to grow their businesses, and so much more!   And ironically, these are things I started way before I had the awareness that this was part of my healing journey – to help others find their voice, as well as my own.     (Can you imagine as a LEO, not feeling like you have a voice? – Oy Vey!)

It’s not easy for MOST soul-preneurs, and those things that stop them from creating visibility, might not be so clear – however they are manifesting those blocks in some real way.

It could be lack of knowledge, or not knowing what to do next, confidence issues, or it could be some of that mindset stuff that just hooks you when you don’t even know it.

The good news is that we can overcome these obstacles!   And I want to help you do it, so you have an amazing 2018 embracing visibility in your business.

It means MORE clients, and doing MORE of what you LOVE!

I’d like to invite you to the 7 Day Visibility Jumpstart Challenge, starting TOMORROW!  I encourage you to come and join us and get a little tidbit each day that could shift things dramatically for you in your world of visibility.  Sound good?  We’ll be coming at visibility from all sides – strategy, tools and resources, and mindset!


I promise we’ll have some fun, and you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to!

I look forward to sharing fundamental aspects to visibility that are key to having a successful practice!

So either you need to know what goes into your website ie: the pages and the content, OR you have a website that needs clearing out and decluttering and updating!  Paula is going to walk us through it!  I personally can’t wait because my website needs some serious updating!!  So if this feels like great timing, we’d love to have you join us!  Click here to find out more.

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