A Wake-Up Call! Use your voice vs spending your money in small business marketing!

by Louise Crooks

Hi All!

A wake up call!

A wake up call!

I just found a great article that my friend and colleague C.J. Hayden wrote, and she makes a very important point about getting out there in front of people, talking people as part of your marketing plan!  Read this excerpt and then click on the link to read the full article. Its definitely worth it!

Affordable Marketing: Why Using Your Voice Works Better than Spending Money

By C.J. Hayden, Contributing Editor

“I’ve done everything I can think of to get clients,” a desperate self-employed professional wrote me. “I launched a website, I had a brochure designed, I’ve been sending out mailings, and I’ve placed all sorts of ads in print and on the web. But no one is hiring me. What am I doing wrong?”

This unhappy professional has made a common mistake. He has fallen into the trap of believing that spending money on marketing materials, mailings, and ads will somehow produce clients without the direct involvement of the business owner. And he truly believes that this is “everything” he can do….

click this link to get to the rest of C.J.’s article

I really believe this is a great reminder especially for those of us who really get into the Web 2.o marketing tools!  😉

Coach Louise

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