Books, books, books! Here is another awesome book!

by Louise Crooks

Gosh I’ve been sharing a lot of books lately! I promise I will be posting more regularly and sharing not only great books but great information to help you grow spiritually, personally and in your soul-driven business!

In the meanwhile, if you like Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Kahlil Gibran and Deepak Chopra (I adore these authors!) then…

I would like to share an author with a similar message—-Devrah Laval is the author of The Magical Doorway into the Divine. Her book is based on her personal experience of enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

Vancouver-based Devrah Laval is author of The Magic Doorway into the Divine. This book is the quintessential guide for anyone with the courage and the heart to embark on the journey to higher consciousness. As we are being pulled in a certain direction by our souls and shedding our former traditional identity, people are finding themselves in a scary, lonely place, not knowing where thy fit any more. Devrah will offer insight, understanding and practical tools to help us through this place of chaos and confusion and out the other side into a new world of hope, love and serenity

If you would like to get a copy, click here for yours:

I personally can’t wait to get my teeth into this one!

New and old seekers alike will gain tremendous insight, receive, “Extremely potent spiritual exercises” and can have Doors open to Unconditional Love, Truth and Compassion!

The Magic Doorway into the Divine—helps us to take our life challenges–personal financial and other types of loses; relationships issues—to a level of consciousness. This book approaches self-help spirituality in a brand new way.

In this long-awaited offering, Devrah’s open heart of immense knowing and compassion is freely shared with those eager to experience the journey home: to their own heart of knowing and timeless fulfillment – the place where all doubts dissolve into Love and rest in the sanctuary of the Self.

And when you order your copy, you’ll also get access to some fabulous gifts – go here to peruse….

I also contributed a gift so check them out.  (Look out for the book with a superhero figure!)

Here is the link to purchase the book!

Enjoy my friends and  lifelong learners!

PS How can I not love this book! It’s covered in keys! :)


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