The NEW Paradigm of Selling: Inspiration vs Manipulation
There is nothing worse than getting approached by someone who just sees you as a possible sale, and a $ sign printed in big letters on your forehead. Right?
I had a sales call from a tele-marketer just the other day, and as I got asked questions I didn’t want to answer, and when he realized I wasn’t a good prospect, he put the phone down (yes I shouldn’t even have let it get to that) – I came off the phone with that horrible sick feeling in my gut. I had just had a conversation that felt yucky right from the beginning. I felt like a real patsy.
I’m sure you’re familiar with that feeling – whether it’s a telemarketer, someone you know who is pushing you to buy something, or at a networking meeting where someone wants to make a sale from the outset , when they’ve only just met you. Remember that time? I think we all have a particular moment we can recall that made us feel really uncomfortable or annoyed.
This is where the idea of selling gets such a bad rap – because there are sleazy manipulative tactics out there that people are still using. Although I’m happy to report they are changing, because most people now only buy from someone they trust!
As soul-opreneurs we are enrolling new clients, selling programs or prodcuts – and we absolutely do not want ourselves to be lumped together with that other crowd. Right?
NEW PARADIGM: We can have an enrolling conversation -from a place of inspiration, heart-felt curiousity, authentic connection and desire for their highest good.
By showing your true interest in them and their well-being (rather than launching into the hard sell the moment you have them in your clutches – old paradigm) they will be open and interested in continuing that conversation with you and with the possible outcome of working with you.
It is a trap many soul-opreneurs fall into, where they feel uncomfortable or unaligned somehow with their enrollment conversations, because their perception of selling is still somewhat connected to the old paradigm. Either thinking they have to do it a certain way (perhaps having been taught a certain way in another career) or just not knowing there is a different way that feels much better.
Chances are that when you’ve had a client sign up with you, you’ve come away from that conversation feeling a sense of real connection with that person. Write down what created that feeling. What question did you ask that got your new client to share their story or issue with you in a deeper way, than just the ‘surface’ stuff.
(Have you noticed how fulfilled you feel when you have conversations with people that has a much deeper connection than just the surface stuff?)
When you are able to tap into what’s important to them, what makes them want this transformation so much, and reveal the gap between where they are now and where they want to go… and they trust you because of your real connection and interest in them (and perhaps because they’ve been on your list for a while, so they know the value you provide) – you’ll find you have a new client. One that you got with true authentic and aligned action.
And it felt good. And they felt good.
No manipulation needed!! EVER.
Selling can be Inspiration and Connection. And if you still can’t get past that word ‘selling’ – then change it to something else that feels good to you. Your energy around this is so important – so that you can actually step into it. Because in truth, it is the LIFE BLOOD of your business.
Ready to get aligned?
If you’re feeling unaligned with selling, or just not having success with attracting clients or with your enrollment conversations, go ahead and schedule a complimentary Holistic Business Breakthrough Consultation with me (Louise Crooks). Let’s get to the bottom of what’s holding you back, so you can move forward and do your best work.
I would love to hear your thoughts, comments or questions! Please post below.
If you’d like to re-use this article on your blog or newsletter, please include this at the bottom of the article word for word, and please do not change anything in the article itself: This article was written by Louise Crooks aka The KeystoClarity! Coach, holistic business and visibility coach to soul-driven business owners and transformational book authors – helping them expand their reach, and build a community, through powerful niching and visibility strategies that are a unique fit to them and their audience. You can find out more about Louise’s work, as well as read more articles like this on